Livin' it large in the Larriers

Above is the 2008 'Larriers Conkers' final and Leon was that year's Conker King! Click the tab on the Menu below to see videos of all our Conker Competions since 2008!

A Book Review by Anthony Kane

Book title: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Author: J. K. Rowling
What type of book is it? This is a mythological book.
What is it about? This book is about Harry Potter, a wizard and his arch enemy Voldemort is back. Also, Harry has to hunt for horcruxes and someone like a father to Harry dies.
The best bit was... when Harry and Dumbledore were in a cave and skeletons started to come from water. They try to kill them but Dumbledore got his wand and burnt everything except for him and Harry.
Who would you recommend this for? 5th and 6th
Have you read any other books by this author? Yes, all the Harry Potters except for one
Your rating (1-5 star): 5


Anonymous said...

May I be the first to congratulate you on your wonderful achievement! One book away from reading the ENTIRE Harry Potter series.

You're a Larriers Legend Mr Kane! ;)

Miss Sunderland

Miss O' Carroll said...

Anthony! You finished ALL the Harry Potter Books, Congratulations!
-Ms. O' Carroll

Mark said...

A great achievement Anthony, very well done!