Livin' it large in the Larriers

Above is the 2008 'Larriers Conkers' final and Leon was that year's Conker King! Click the tab on the Menu below to see videos of all our Conker Competions since 2008!

Larriers’ turn out in force for Spring clean

Friday 19.04.13


On Friday our school took part in our community clean up.  We were all given gloves and special vests to wear so the people would know what we were doing.   It was a very busy morning.

I learnt that you shouldn’t litter, we even found a couch.  We then met a man from the council and he let us have a go of his shovels and brushes, he said that if you want to get rid of a couch you can telephone the council and they will come out and collect it for you.


We met Gardai Fergus, he was helping the clean up by lifting up all the dangerous things like broken glass and needles before we started. 

Don’t litter, never litter, it’s disgusting especially when other people have to pick it up.  We picked up all sorts of rubbish, we even found an old telly.  A reporter took our photograph, he says he’s going to try and sell it to the papers.


It is important not to litter as your making the world a bad place, especially broken glass as a small child could pick it up and hurt themselves or a dog could cut his foot and that would make me sad.

Everyone needs to stop littering and make the world a happier place.

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